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Nick Cowan on Alan Titchmarsh!

Nick Cowan was recently approached for the Alan Titchmarsh Show for a feature on back pain, and appeared on the program in March.

“Dealing with back pain is something many of us will have to face. Recent NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) indicate 4 out of 5 will have back pain at some point in their lives.

Thankfully, there are many positive ways of overcoming the pain and discomfort you might feel, especially if you take up a more active lifestyle.

“I was pleased to be asked to share my experiences of helping patients in London deal with back pain through the use of osteopathy and exercise.”


So many of us are at the mercy of our sedentary routine because of our work. It is vital that we break this routine! Some simple advice is GET MOVING. Walking is one of the fundamental movement patterns for which our bodies are designed for and undertaking more of this has been shown to reduce the risk of severe back pain later in life.”

The health segment on the show, which is about the trials of dealing with back pain, was filmed recently in London and is to be broadcast on the 19th March at 3pm on ITV1.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter other updates about what’s happening with Nick Cowan Osteopath.//

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“It’s time to start running”



“Who’s interested in doing the Hastings half-marathon?”


At 16 years old, I was a rugby and all round team sport fanatic, not to mention a despiser of “plodding along” distance running, so why on Earth would I be interested in running a half marathon?  For starters I was rubbish at cross-country, not to mention psychologically scarred by that tedious bog of a course around my old school grounds in North London.


With a modicum of incentive in trying to beat my best mate, (and a huge one to raise much needed funds for Motor Neurone disease) training began, and some months later with baggy t-shirt flying in the coastal breeze, rugby shorts, ill-fitting trainers and all, I completed my first half-marathon.


Fast forward 17 years and I am standing amongst a group of no more than a 100. Having been read the riot act by the events’ charismatic and somewhat psychotic organizer we all stood primed, and as he bid us good luck in a manner a kin to an army drill sergeant, the verbal gun went off to signal the start of the 2012 Caesars camp 50 mile ultra marathon.


Why run?

-The cardiovascular and other systemic benefits are well documented.  It aids blood flow and therefore oxygen delivery around the body thus improving heart and lung function and in turn managing blood pressure.

-It is an efficient method in burning calories and therefore aids blood sugar regulation and metabolic rate.

-Running is a weight bearing exercise and improves bone density, therefore helping to prevent osteoporosis.

-Good running form will aid all round body strength including lower limb and core.

-The euphoric “runners high” – http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/anatomyandphysiology/qt/Runners-High.htm

-The psychological gain of exercise is very personal. It gives us time to ourselves, time to think or more importantly NOT to think and to just be.



You don’t have to be Scott Jurek (who’s Scott Jurek??)  http://scottjurek.com/eatandrun/

You could be setting yourself a new challenge, whether its for weight loss and improving your fitness levels, a bet with a friend or another race in your already busy running diary. It is all relative. Whether you are attempting your first ultra marathon or your first run round the block, it’s YOUR challenge. It’s yours to endure and hopefully most importantly, enjoy. The following are my tips to getting yourself going:


  • Assess your start point and set yourself a goal.

Don’t worry if you’re walking a few minutes or indeed all of it to start with. Don’t be concerned about a walk-run strategy YOU’RE STILL MOVING and still ACHIEVING.


  • Prepare yourself and don’t look at that TV remote!

In other words on the day you are going for your run- set your kit out, so if you return home from a busy day at the office and every imaginable distraction is there, make a bee line for the kit, get it on and get outside! Once your out that front door, you’re on your way.


  • Hydrate and eat sensibly.

Obviously depending on personal needs and how long you’re going for will dictate this. http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/nutrition/eating-and-training-how-to-time-it-right/250.html


  • Cross-trainers are for cross training!

In short, WEAR RUNNING SHOES. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or seasoned runner, the choice of shoe can be a minefield. Do not be lured into the minimalist shoe thinking that will instantly transform you into the ultimate barefoot runner, but in the same light don’t be sucked into the bells and whistles of the “shock absorbing, counter-over-pronator, so good it will run for you” supportive shoe. SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. We are all different and don’t fit into one model.


What are you waiting for?

If that gym membership card hasn’t been out of your wallet in the last few months because quite simply, gyms bore you to tears, get your kit on and get OUTSIDE. So what if it’s raining and cold, put more layers on and boost those vitamin D levels! Or in recent weeks get that hat on and apply sun cream! Cancel that membership and try something new. Sitting down is doing nothing for your back, metabolic rate, or your general health and well-being.


A wealth of advice and tips are out there, but most importantly and so fundamental to running and indeed any exercise is to ENJOY IT. Yes, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t an element of hard slog to begin with, or a significant need of self-motivation but once you are in that cycle, and seeing the changes that you have achieved the levels of empowerment are limitless.


Where to now….

So with my first ultra marathon completed last October in a less than pacey 16hrs, and despite the winner lapping me twice, (fair play to that man, as I’ve never seen someone move so effortlessly over such un-yielding terrain) I am about to embark on number two. Hadrian’s wall beckons. The official race has been and gone so the 70 miles of the undulating route will be taken on with my fellow novice ultra running buddy alone. But with our own support team alongside handing out all that is necessary for such an epic adventure we will hopefully ENJOY and ENDURE. Not bad for a bloke who once hated running.




















































































Pregnancy- “natural” doesn’t mean without discomfort.




I am always intrigued by the phrase “being pregnant is a most natural process” and that birth is “the most beautiful experience there is”.  After all it is this very experience that is creating life. Being of the male variety I am unable to ever have first hand knowledge of these phrases, however as my wife is currently 19 weeks to the good, (and dealing with it magnificently-no bias of course!) I am somewhat able to get an insight into the finer details.


A caring osteopath on hand


The physical and emotional changes are incredible. The growing strains (in her case, low back pain and quite regular needs to visit the toilet as our unborn son {yes, we found out}, has seemingly taken to using my wife’s bladder as a treadmill!), requiring treatment on a near weekly basis by her caring and considerate osteopath husband has helped to manage her low back pain; and with the added benefits she is getting from pregnancy yoga classes, everything is looking very neat and tidy indeed. An ever-growing bump, however, will challenge all of this as ligaments become more lax and muscles strain under the increased weight of our growing baby, not to mention placenta and amniotic fluid.


Keep active


As a general rule it is important for any mum to keep comfortably active during pregnancy; walking or swimming being the most classic ways. Anything water based will provide that much needed support for growing, (and often aching) bodies. Varying forms of yoga will, amongst other things, teach you to understand what your body needs through improved breathing, and postural education.


Running mum’s don’t forget running!


In addition to all of this it is not necessary to shy away from weight bearing exercise, (the baby is well protected within the amniotic sac). After all, Paula Radcliffe was training well into her pregnancies. You may, though, point out that she could as she is a world-class athlete! It is of course relative and the simple line of advice is:


Don’t try anything drastic!


That’s not to say that if you were a world-class couch potato keep up the good work; but rather embrace the need to keep your body moving and always instinctively listen to what it is telling you.

1) Keep well hydrated

2) Blood sugar levels at an optimum

3) Don’t exceed 80% of your maximum heart rate during intense exercise.




What changes may bring


I earlier alluded to the emotional element that comes with pregnancy. Hormones are running riot through all pregnant women’s bodies and can lead to significant mood changes and cause a great deal of stress.


It’s not all bad (says the bloke)


Despite the somewhat negative press, there is of course an optimistic side. In my wife’s case with every physical strain there has always been a coupling with an excitable flutter of moving body parts inside. Not to mention the first real kick last week.

I also watch in amazement with every bout of sickness she has had, in her mind reaffirming “the norm” and joy of knowing she is pregnant.


For what it’s worth, being able to watch my wife nurture and care for him is a unique situation to behold. And if I feel like this, to be the very person who is doing the “growing” and “nurturing” must be a very special privilege indeed.


As my wife goes off for another pregnancy yoga class I am reminded of the fact that (having already been subjected to some hormonally driven tirades),

A)   I’m pleased she’s going to yoga to help meditate and re-energize,

B)   Quite frankly given the strain she is being put through –




Sinus blocks,

Uncontrollable bladder,

Back pain….etc


Absorbing a few hormonal bombs is the least I can do to help her through this most “beautiful and natural experience”!


Note: I must also spare a thought for a current patient and a friend who are both currently expecting twins. Double the discomfort! (All being well, double the joy at the end)//